Blackjack Heritage- The Legend of Twenty One
These days casinos all over the world and online are filled with all sorts of people from different age groups, backgrounds and social situations. You may be surprised to know that gambling was first ‘invented’ by the ancient Chinese in 2300 BC. Card playing was first established in 900 AD, also by the Chinese but it wasn’t until the 18th century that the French established the game of blackjack.
The first bet on blackjack came in the form of a 10 to 1 bet that the player could full an ace of spades and a jack of spades on the first two cards. In the 19th century Blackjack came to the United States and became a staple in the casino world. Although the original payout of 10 to 1 does not exist for a jack and ace of spades, the game is still going strong. In fact, Blackjack, despite its many changes over the years, is still one of the most popular casino games in the world.